moments in time

Time is an intriguing concept to work with, creatively speaking, although it is a vast and complex area to explore. It poses challenging questions and is difficult to articulate but I remind myself that the only limiting factor in its expression is me…..

‘Moments in Time’ is a geological and experiential record of Three Cliffs Bay.

in contact with the glaciomarine sediment

in contact with the glaciomarine sediment

touched by Patella beach of the Eemian

touched by Patella beach of the Eemian

carrying imprints

carrying imprints

dried traces of a past I didn’t know

dried traces of a past I didn’t know

immersed in the same sea it knew

immersed in the same sea it knew

layered with ancient sand in the present

layered with ancient sand in the present

‘Moments in Time’,  a past embodied. Sand, sea and glaciomarine sediment, paper.

‘Moments in Time’, a past embodied. Sand, sea and glaciomarine sediment, paper.


contemplating time

Time - evolutionary, geological, anthropogenic. Vast, yet often imperceptible, it can pass in a flash or seem to go on forever.

Our perception of time varies hugely depending on our state of mind and circumstance. Consequently, during these unprecedented, challenging days of lockdown, it is polarising. To some, such a situation is intolerable, yet to others it engenders a freedom rarely experienced.

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what lies beneath?

To look under our feet is to glimpse past and future, entwined in stories of creation and time, readable in the present. Uncovering this richly woven tapestry of dynamic tales concealed behind its recognisable facade, provides intriguing insight into the static scenery we think we know.

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