The immense forces which created our planet continue to shape it today, fundamentally through alchemical transmutations of matter under extreme temperature and unimaginable pressure.
Such physical frictions and conflicts are a key influence in my creative practice; from endless physical upheaval to tensions between elemental forces and a myriad of natural materials in flux.
Much that is damaging to the health of our world today is not visible, either in the material or metaphysical sense. Anthropogenic (man made) global warming linked to industrial progress is now unarguable, but collective apathy and a lack of engagement still exists around it. With this in mind, my work seeks to embody the intangible and the inexpressible, physical or not, in order for it to bridge the disconnect and communicate with greater impetus in contribution to the climate debate.
volcanic spatter cone, Stampa, Iceland
flood tide, south Gower, Wales
Andvord Bay, Antarctic continent